Hello, Everyone ^^! This is Vsio Stitched. In this post, I will show the progress of "Manggisa: On Ice" game progress. Before that, I have changed the title from "Manggisa Vs Snowball" into "Manggisa: On Ice" to make the title more fit. So, it's been several months since I posted about the game progress. I was very busy doing my college things, but on the last month, I was able to do progress of my games since I had more free times.
So, there is a lot of changes to my games. The parts that really took long to make progress was making concept designs of the game. There were a lot of changes of design concept because sometimes I saw it unfit or too complex.
Now, some progress of my game.
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Title Screen (I'm still thinking whether to add "On Ice" text since it will be its first debut) |
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The Gameplay (A girl is shooting a huge snowball) |
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The Medals Screen |
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The Upgrade Screen |
That's all of the some progress I can show right now. There are still some part which still need to be finished like its shooting database, save and load feature (but the implementation still depends how long I can finish the game), more databases, platforms, etc. There might be a change again of the game design xD.
For the last part of this post, let me introduce my main character of the game. Her name is Manggisa Steen. "Manggisa" from Indonesian word "Manggis" by which means mangosteen. "Steen" from cropped word of English word "Mangosteen". If they are combined, it will become Manggisa Steen. The design color is also from the mangosteen color: green, white, and purple. It was hard to design the concept of her xD.
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Manggisa Steen in normal outfit |
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Manggisa Steen in battle outfit (+ normal outfit inside) |
So, that's all I can say (^w^). Thank you for reading! Hope this game will be finished before the end of this year and sorry if there are some points I missed xD!
Hm, ini cuma pendapat saya. Bagaimana kalau tombol Setting (Pengaturan) dan Ganti Bahasa dipasang di Title Screen (Layar judul) juga? Supaya mempermudah pengaturan. Mohon maaf dengan ketidaknyamanannya.
ReplyDeleteHalo 81sby, sori baru bales sekarang (Baru ngecek, heheh.)
DeleteMungkin memang akan dipasang di situ, soalnya keliatannya penting juga. Akan tetapi, masih bingung mau ganti yang mana di antara "Instruction" atau "Credit", heheh.
Soal ganti bahasa, akan dimasukkan di dalam Setting.
Makasih ya sarannya :).
Oh ya, karena ada hubungannya dengan es, bola salju dan lain-lain. Bagaimana kalau tombolnya diganti dengan gambar bola salju seperti ini http://images.wikia.com/battlefordreamisland/images/0/03/Snowball_Icon.png atau ini https://si0.twimg.com/profile_images/1074063289/logo.png atau bikin sendiri? Lalu tombol di title screen dibuat seperti ini http://postimg.org/image/8spsdbs0z/ atau ini http://postimg.org/image/4kv04kqlf/? Ini agar ada ruang untuk tombol baru. :3 Mohon maaf bila hal ini malah merepotkan, bila merepotkan mohon usul ini ditolak. Sekian. :)
DeleteWah, kalau ini kayaknya saat ini blm bisa ^^;.
DeleteSoalnya input controllernya lebih fokus ke tombol keyboard ^^;.
Tapi memang ada rencana di kasih salju aja di bagian di atas tombolnya (dikasih putih-putih) :3.
Gpp kok dan terima kasih ya sarannya ;).
Sama-sama ^w^, Ditunggu Proyeknya. Oh ya, apa ada versi offline (Mainin tanpa internet) dari game Kwek-Kwek?
ReplyDeleteMakasih udah menunggu proyeknya ^^.
DeleteVersi offline belum ada ^^;.
Tp game flash yang udah rilis saat ini, kalau didonlot bisa dimainin offline kok ^^.
Sebetulnya sudah didownload, tapi tidak muncul apa-apa. Cuma layar kosong. Mungkin karena proteksi flash. Biasanya Game Flash yang tidak loading dulu baru main, bisa didownload dan dimainkan offline. sebaliknya Game Flash yang loading dulu, bisa download tetapi tidak bisa dimainkan (Layar kosong)
DeleteHmm aneh...
DeleteItu downloadnya di mana?
Soalnya di aku bisa jalan tanpa harus online.
Di File2hd. Ini Gamenya: http://assets.kongregate.com/gamez/0018/2830/live/MeWakeUpMiniIslet.swf?kongregate_game_version=1375745261
DeleteHmm di situ ya...
DeleteCoba dari sini:
Terus klik bagian "Download ZIP Package"
(Sori masih yang "Color Cake" soalnya yg Islet blm dipublikasikan selain di Kongregate jadi blm ada donlot ^^;. Kalau bisa ntar aku coba minta izin dari Eka biar rilis di mochimedia juga.)
Tetap sama. http://postimg.org/image/bk3cuwiaf/ . Sudah ditunggu tetap layarnya kosong. Mungkin masalahnya komputer saya.
DeleteMungkin iya, soalnya di situ Macromedia Flash 8 ya... mungkin playernya jg msh versi 8.
DeleteCoba open as Google Chrome atau browser lain (soalnya kadang beda versi flash playernya).
Setelah memakai SWF opener, bisa! Terima kasih atas perhatiannya! ^w^
Deletesama-sama ^_^